Tuesday, May 6, 2008


What do I mean second place? Here's the reason: we were first counselors and servants, before we are musicians. I remember during our earlier camps, we were rock stars and an elite group of people who scooted out of the sanctuary every time we were finished with the music part of the worship time. We walked around the camp site saying Hi to everyone and signing autographs and we were literally stars!

I wont be a hypocrite, I loved the feeling. It felt good to be respected, appreciated and even revered. But this year we were different. Pastor Jeff (the camp director) instructed us to be 2nd Rate Musicians, and first rate counselors (understand the context?). We had to build relationships with the campers (we were assigned a group of young people that we were responsible with), and spend time with them, eat with them, play games with them, pray with them, share the Word to them, and basically be a big brother to them. At first we were apprehensive and wanted to group ourselves together, but after a while we understood the importance of investing time in the lost kids' lives.

Many of us shared after the camp that we were able to share the gospel more this camp than the whole year combined! We had stories of lost hope renewed, rededication of lives, repentance of sins, and a transformation of lives! And on top of that, we had the greatest influence on them because they see us on stage! Maybe that's why the Praise team was assigned to the most notorious group of guys... hmm, now it makes sense. It was indeed the right choice, and an honor, to be 2nd Rate musicians in the Heroes Camp.

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tamperproof worshipper

tamperproof worshipper
rock it for Jesus