Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Last Six Days of My Twenties

May 21, 2008. I just finished paying the gift I bought my wife! I still remember buying her engagement ring, November 2006. I am not a wealthy man, I can never call myself financially abundant, so for me, the engagement ring was already a feat to accomplish! By God’s amazing grace I was able to pay it off! I made it a point to submit my decision to God’s approval first, before buying something expensive, such as an engagement ring. And of course I don’t hear a “yes” or a “no”, but I think about it, if I don’t go against His Word, if my parents approve of it, if my elders who give me advice say its okay, if I know its good, then I take it as a “go” signal from God. And how do I know it was really a “yes”? Simple, God gives me the ability to pay for it!

Now, about this gift I bought again for Rose, it was something I couldn’t afford given that I am already a family man, with many financial responsibilities. And yes, I’m still NOT a wealthy man. (When would that change?) My wife’s birthday was very special to me. Because I didn’t have any money on her birthday, I suffered the shame of having her sister pay for the party we had for her. I could only offer the car for our travel. My wife’s FIRST birthday as a wed woman, and her husband couldn’t even give her cash! How shameful! Don’t get me wrong, Rose didn’t ask for anything, she never forced me to buy her stuff, but I just feel very guilty not being able to make her feel extra special. So I asked her after her birthday, what she would like as a birthday gift…to my surprise, she did want something. It was jewelry! I thought it was a joke because it was way off our budget seeing I was still paying off my car loan, looking for rent and food money, etc. So I didn’t give it much thought. She didn’t either.

That night I stayed up thinking and praying if I should buy her jewelry. I prayed and prayed, until I remembered when I was still courting her, I would save my last centavo (exaggerated) just to buy Rose something that would make her happy. Again, I wasn’t rich back then (until now) so a new pair of jeans, or some cheap accessory was already a source of joy to both of us. I was happy when she was happy. I remember enjoying accompanying her to the mall and even waited for her to painstakingly pick her pair of shoes or blouse… I loved doing that! But of course, as a normal man, times change and you grow tired of doing the things you enjoyed before. So by the fifth or sixth year of our courting period, we were content in just watching TV, her knowing I was working hard to graduate, and me knowing she was working hard as a new employee in her job. Buying stuff wasn’t a priority anymore. But the thought crossed my mind and I remember the joy of sacrificing hard earned money to buy something that isn’t of worth to you, but of much worth to your loved one. So I took it as a YES from God.

That night, I decided to buy her the jewelry.

Less than three months after, I am so fulfilled to be able to say I paid for the jewelry in full. And as I see Rose wearing the engagement ring, wedding ring, and her new necklace and earrings, she is a stunner! Her beauty radiates and I know she loves my gifts! It is so fulfilling!

Well, today’s entry would end here, focusing on my fulfillment in loving Rose by giving to her, as God has given me the ability to.


J. said...

Awww, so sweet! :-) Advanced Happy Birthday,Ted! We love you! Especially Jed, he adores you. He would always say He would like to grow tall like Ninong Ted. I don't know how will that ever be when his folks are both midgets. lol!

He would always look for you when Rose is around and you're nowhere to be seen. He is nuts about you and your PSP. :-)

Happy Birthday! God bless you more! Have a blast!

Jen, Jeff & Jed

Frances said...

Such a funny and cute post this is! At last, my baby brother feels what it is to be a husband. After all, a man must put his money where his mouth is.

While it is always romantic to think that material things aren't essential to a loving relationship, it is. You tell a woman you love her but if you can't provide for her needs and occasional wants, then do you really love her?

You know what I mean, Theodore. We grew up with this myth--that love doesn't involve money. I look at our mother and wonder if she would have been happier with someone else, someone who could've fulfilled his promise to provide for her. I look at us, and wonder how life could've been if we had been better provided for. But in the end, we shouldn't dwell on the past but focus on the present and the future.

And I am glad that you are someone who knows what it takes to be a real man to a woman.

tamperproof worshipper

tamperproof worshipper
rock it for Jesus